Monday, April 12, 2010

Day 6, Crested Butte (Part Deux)

Day 2 of snowboarding. Standing up from the couch after a poor night's sleep, I asked myself "wow, did i get hit by a truck last night and i don't remember?"
Everything in my body was sore, tight, and stiff. I guess the pain from the few tumbles I took was hidden on the slopes by the adrenaline, but MAN, this sucks. Stretched a bit and geared up...

We left Cody's place, which you see a picture of on the right here....and on the way out we stopped at a gas station/mom'n'pop breakfast sandwich shop to try the bacon, egg, cheese, and hashbrown sandwich Cody had been tellin us about. Yummmmmm....

I was feeling like sh*t. Shaky on my legs, headache, and just overall out of it....on top of being sore, but I have today to end the season and get one last day of snowboarding screw it. Maybe I should've thought about H2O.
Apparently, water is a BIG deal at high altitudes, and i have a bad habit of not drinking enough water. The night before we drank a few beers and i drank one glass of water after wards, but that was the only water I had in 2 days...not good. I kept falling on every little impact and having a really hard time standing up. That combined with the soreness, it was a bad morning. Once i realized that water was the issue (Cody's roommate Matt mentioned it)....i drank two bottles of water, and was back on my feet.

We decided to shoot some action shots...I will put a few more soon......

1 comment:

  1. Super blog Tom!
    Bon voyage et a un de ces 4 peut etre!
